Monday, November 8, 2010

Assignment 12

(a) Do you think technology can facilitate learning? Why and why not?

I do think technology can facilitate learning. I think this because of the many varieties of technology we have learned about so far id EDEC 203. I think that teachers can use podcasts and blogs to faciliate learned and by incorporating the students in the learning by doing model.
Dispite that technology can be a great tool to encourage learning, it can also act as a burden and can become the topic of learning rather than the focused topic. For example, many times professors create powerpoints in which they read directly off of. This is very boring for students and does not encourage hands on learning.

(b) What are the factors that affect our decisions on whether and how we will use a technology in our classes or not?

I am an early education major and would love to teach Kindergarten and first grade. I agree that technology is a great tool but I feel that Kindergarten is too young to sit in front of a computer. I know that there are many interactive learning games available for young children and I do not agree with them. I think it is unhealthy for young children and hope that technology stops appealing to children of this young age. My degree does allow be to teach up to third grade, and I feel that if I am in an older classroom I would incorporate technology into my classroom. I think that smart boards are a great way to incorporate learning to both the visual learners, the hands on learners, and the auditory learners.

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