Sunday, September 19, 2010

Assignment 3: PowerPoint Reflection

I really enjoyed creating a PowerPoint Quiz. I thought it was an amazing program and am fascinated. I have been using PowerPoint since I was in elementary school creating slides for presentations, or using the program to make a picture slide show; however I was never aware of the quiz and hyperlink abilities. I think the hyperlink is a fantastic tool and I can not wait to being using this quiz application with children.

I had a little difficulty using my Mac Laptop in the beginning but when I used the PC at the Library everything went smoothly. I am unsure however, about how to set the settings so the quiz taker can not edit. Other than that, I felt very prepared in creating the quiz and comfortable adding colors, transitions, effects, sounds, and hyperlinks. I think this is a great tool and am very pleased that I learned how to utilize it so early in this class.

I would like to some day teacher kindergarten or first grade, and my passion is for language arts, reading, and writing. Because of this, I chose to make my slide show for children at a reading level of preschool through first. I used small, one syllable words, and chose to focus on rhyming. I worded questions with the main word in all big letters, and the child is too choose which word correctly rhymes with the target word. I think that the PowerPoint is simple enough and easy to use where ages 3-7 should not have any difficulty. I am excited to create more intricate PowerPoint's and to explore adding sounds to enhance children's phonological skills.

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