Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Assignment 1: Internet Resources

Copyright Issues and Internet Use
This website is the United States Copyright Office. The Copyright's Office's mission is: "To promote creativity by administering and sustaining an effective national copyright system."  

This website is a great source of information about copyright issues as well as internet use. This website provides internet users with the definition of copyright, plagiarism, history of copyright, and many more useful details.

Equity Issues in Computer Use in Schools
This website is hosted by maec; the information goes into great detail about the equity issues in computer use in schools focusing on technology in Kindergarten through twelth grade of public schools

This is a link to an article by Elizabeth Field and Constance Kurz sent into Education Weekly. This article details Equity Emerges as Major Issue in Schools' Use of Computers.

Cultural Issues in the use of Computers in Schools
This is a link to an article about Cross-cultural reactions to using computers in the early childhood education classroom. This article is written by John Castellani and Linda Tsantis whom are boith professors at John Hopkins University, Columbia USA.

Here is a link to the Australian Flexible Learning Community. This article on Cultural Difference and its influence on learning was written on the 15 of September in 2003. This article focuses on the importance of understanding cultural backgrounds of learners when designing computer-based learning. It also provides research on how Culture influences Computer-based learning. 

Health problems concerning the use of Computer
Here is a link to an article posted on the Healthy Health Professional website titled Top 4 Health Problems caused by computer use. The 4 are as follows; eye disease, bad posture, hurting hands, and computer stress injuries. writes about the health problems that are directly related to over use of a computer in an article titled Health Problems Caused by use of Computers. Some of these heath hazards brought up in the article are lower back pain, neck pain, pain in wrists and fingers, and many more. 

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