Sunday, September 19, 2010

Wiki Journal 1

So far EDCT 203 has been a great learning experience. I am in my second week of classes and have had three EDCT 203 classes thus far. I have already learned how to create a blog, wiki, work google spreadsheets, and so much more. I feel that the lessons learned in this class will be helpful in not only my future classroom use as both a teacher and a student, but will also help for my personal knowledge of technology.

The first lesson I learned in EDCT 203 that sparked an interest was learning how to use cell phones in the classroom. We learned on the first day how teachers can present multiple choice questions to a class and have them turn in their response via text message. I thought that this was a great teaching tactic because so many young children are cell phone owners and I feel this is a great way to stimulate student interaction.

On the second day we learned about Wiki's. I had a very small knowledge of what wiki's were prior to this class but after one class period I was very knowledgeable. I learned what Wiki's are, how they can be used, and how to create and manage a Wiki. I even created a wiki of my own that we will use later on in this class. I think wikis can be a great tool to use in classrooms. It gives the feel that each person involved in the Wiki has equal say and everyone can contribute their opinions and thoughts in an equal and even manor which I feel is important in a classroom setting.

Our third class period we learned how to use PowerPoint to make quizzes. So far this is the more difficult, as well as most intriguing lesson we have learned. I believe this because I think it can be such a great learning tool as well as evaluation tool in classrooms. I feel that I will use quizzes through PowerPoint often in my classroom.

I am hoping to teach kindergarten through third grade, Kindergarten and first grade being my main focus. Due to the young age of these children I will use less technology than the average middle school teacher. However, I would love to use technology in a helpful, healthy way. Throughout using quizzes on PowerPoint, I am able to add voices which can talk to the young student. A concrete example of this could be to create a power point and have a voice say a letter. Then have several buttons each with letters, one which will correspond to the letter spoken. Ideas like the one previously stated incorporates technology into early learning while not relying on it which I feel is an important concept for early educators to keep in mind.

The ISTE Standards that I met while completing this assignment were 3a. Standard 3a states that one is able to demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations. I feel that I met this standard because although I am comfortable with many types of technology, Wiki's were new to me. However, I feel that I adapted quickly and with ease to the way Wiki's operate.

I enjoyed learning how to use so many wide varieties of hands on technologies. I believe that PowerPoint quizzes as well as wiki's will be very helpful in future classrooms.

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