Sunday, October 3, 2010

Assignment 6: Web Quest Assignment

Insects Perspective: I believe this Web quest is great for children, I think that the Web quest and final lesson plan is great for students and incorporates a variety of different content areas. I really enjoy the idea of this project and I would love expand it downwards to use in an early childhood classroom. I feel that children would really adapt to the different parts of the lesson plan if changed to appeal to the younger children. Also, I think the evaluation page is done very well and I really enjoyed reading the descriptions for each 'grade;' they were written in positive sentences which I agree with. Although I really enjoy the topic the Web quest chose to focus on, I feel that the Introduction could use more details and the have more details to intrigue the children more.

The Four Seasons:  Overall, this Web quest idea is a good one. I enjoy the group aspect of this project to ensure each student having the opportunity to gain full knowledge. While reading through the Web quest I felt that the instructions were geared to older students. Although the topic was very elementary I feel that the way the Web quest is designed it is in a very 'paragraph' form, rather than bullet points, descriptions, pictures, or examples brightly shows. The examples that are provided are separate from the process which I feel would confuse young children. Overall, I think the topic for this certain lesson plan is a great one and would love to use it in my future classroom!

Who Really Owns the Rosetta Stone:
This Web quest is set up in a very different way than the others provided in this project. I think that this site would work for older children; but students who are only used to working with the basic set up of a Web quest would find themselves lost in these pages. The links provided are not the same links as the other provided web quests. I feel that the project is still a fantastic idea and feel that the links provided are great examples and resources for the students. I really enjoyed how the educator was encouraging technology involvement as well as personal presentations.

Review of Algebra 1:  I like the idea this educator had. I am comfortable, and have experience with younger children, so it may be that I am not experienced with this aged student but I felt as if this Web quest would be too confusing for eighth grade and early high schoolers. I understand that mathematics is a hard content area to use technology in. I do believe that topics are introduced in a clear, very outlined manner which is why I can understand why the educator based this web quest for eighth grade and high school students. However, the task page is very busy and has a lot of detail which is helpful but I feel it could be overwhelming for younger children. If I were to use this in a classroom I think I would change the Introduction to capture the students attention more. Algebra tends to be a difficult, therefore boring, subject for many young children and by creating more exciting and intricate lesson plans it could encourage participation.

My WebQuest about What's in a State: Here is the Link

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