Monday, October 4, 2010

Assignment 7: Survey

Based on your discussion with your classmates, what do you think are the three best ways of using Google Forms in this article?
1. To get to know your students.
2. Weekly Reading Record
3. Spelling Tests

What are possible ways for you to use Google Forms in your classroom?

- In addition to the three ways I stated above I could see myself using Google Forms to get childrens feedback on projects and activities we did in class. I also feel that it would be a great way to communicate with parents and get en site into what is going on at home. Students can only learn so much at school, and need to use home as a time to practice and keep up with the skills they are learning. I think parents could use a google form to answer how their children did each day during daily reading. I am an early childhood education major so may be working with children too young to use the computer and such software; but I feel that incorporating it for use of the parents it may make it easier than having them fill out a paper reading log. This would also act as a direct link between myself, the educator, to the teachers; rather than relying on the students to transport messages back and forth. 

Here is the link to the survey I created:
Link to Social Networking Survey 

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